Imagine, that one day you wake up and realize, that the glass of water that you always have next to your bed is suddenly gone. You would be doubtless very confused and maybe even annoyed, and would start hunting for it around your room. This experience is not particularly childlike, neither is it magical. But as you question your senses, you would somehow get the feeling that maybe reality and the everyday life as you know it has slightly shifted.
In this theatrical magic performance Luis Carr explores this feeling and focuses on the disturbing and absurd side of magic. Being trapped in an universe of weird repetitions a surreal, humorous game unfolds - as if the famous cup and ball trick was remade by David Lynch.

Concept & Performance
Luis Carr
Alessandra Ventrella
Manuel Muerte
Matthew 'Poki' McCorkle
Yann Yuro
Alfonso Rituerto
Christopher Schleiff
Set Design
Lisa Schopmann
Prop Design
Esra von Kornatzki
Marco Dirr
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